
North India is the hub of tourist activity in India. It is mainly due to the fact that New Delhi, the capital is located in North India. New Delhi airport is one of the finest and busiest airports in the world and offers connectivity to most of the countries of the world. Also North India has most famous cities such as Delhi, Agra housing Taj Mahal and other world heritage sites, Jaipur the pink City, Khajuraho famous for erotic temples, Varanasi the city of salvation and Amritsar the city of Golden Temple. Apart from this North India also have famous wildlife sanctuaries such as Ranthambore National Park known for the citing of Royal Bengal Tigers and Keoladeo Ghana National park in Bharatpur, a world famous bird sanctuary. There are famous mighty forts and palaces of Rajasthan in North India making it the first choice of the tourists.


Nepal is a beautiful country located in South Asia and is known for its natural beauty, diverse culture, and rich history. The country is a popular tourist destination, attracting visitors from all over the world. Nepal is home to eight of the world's ten highest mountains, including Mount Everest, making it a haven for adventure and mountain sports enthusiasts.Tourism is one of the key industries in Nepal, contributing significantly to the country's economy. Visitors can experience a unique blend of traditional and modern culture, as well as breathtaking natural scenery, including lush jungles, rolling hills, and snow-capped peaks. In addition to its natural beauty, Nepal is also famous for its rich cultural heritage. The country is home to many historic temples, stupas, and monasteries, including the world-famous Pashupatinath Temple and Swayambhunath Stupa. Visitors can also experience the vibrant and colorful local festivals, such as the Dashain and Tihar festivals, and learn about the traditions and customs of the local communities. Whether you are an adventure seeker, cultural enthusiast, or simply looking to relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life, Nepal has something to offer for everyone. The country is easily accessible, with regular flights from major cities around the world, and offers a wide range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to budget-friendly guesthouses.


Bhutan is a picturesque and culturally diverse nation that provides tourists with an unique and fascinating experience. It is a landlocked nation in South Asia, bordered by India to the south, east, and west, and China to the north. Bhutan is also referred to as Happiness kingdom due to the high ranking on Happiness index of the world. It is renowned for its distinctive traditions and culture, which are strongly based in Buddhism. Dzongkha is the official language of the nation, and Mahayana Buddhism is the most commonly practised religion. It is much sought after travel destination for outdoor enthusiasts and hikers due to its mountainous terrain, which is made up of towering mountain ranges, deep valleys, and lush forests. T Some of the most famous landmarks in Bhutan include the Tiger's Nest Monastery, the Punakha Dzong fortress, and the Dochula Pass, which offers breathtaking views of the Himalayas.